Welcome to SteadyStraps®. Thanks for shopping with us to get the BEST Phone Accessory to Hold Your Phone More Securely, Use It More Comfortably, and Not Drop It! Let us know how we can help you with any retail designs or custom-branded bulk orders for your business or nonprofit organization. Thanks again and happy shopping!

Robert | Warwick, RI

"SteadyStraps is the easiest way to keep your company name in front of hundreds of potential clients, in a very competitive marketplace. Not only do people see your Company Name constantly, throughout the day as they use their phones, but so does everyone around them who sees the SteadyStrap work, and want to know more. The best part of this product, however, is it actually works. The material retains its shape, it stays in place, takes up no space and best of all, it works with your wireless charger. Advertising has never been easier and more functional."

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